Square Developer Spot Illustrations

As part of the Square Developer team’s rebrand, I led the project to develop a set of 3D icons for their new website, as well as spot illustrations to accompany each of them.

Over the course of 2023, I’ve set out to learn 3D modeling and rendering using Cinema4D whenever the opportunity arises. This project presented a really fun challenge, and allowed me to collaborate with some of the incredibly talented 3D designers on the Block Creative Studio Team. Alongside Angie Garland, we completed the initial models of all of the icons you see on the Square Developer site. These were then finessed by our in-house 3D designer, Justin Morton. In addition to completing the concepting and intial models for these icons, I art directed the animation to bring these to life.

Finally, I completed a set of spot illustrations to accompany these icons on the Square Developer site. Given that the Square Developer team was undergoing a rebrand, there wasn’t an established illustration style to support this need. This meant exploring illustration styles that could coexist with 3D icons, which was a fun challenge to solve!

This project was a hit with the Square team, and we plan on creating an additional set of icons and illustrations in the coming months.


Block Spot Illustration Toolkit